Saturday, November 19, 2016

Fourth of July

One of the best days of the Summer in my opinion is the Fourth of July.  On this day each Summer, our country celebrates the day it became independent.  On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed freeing the country from Great Britain's rule.

People often celebrate by going to barbecues, having a party at their house, going to the beach, and watching fireworks.  Fireworks are my favorite part of the Fourth of July because they are not something that we see every day.  I love how bright they are and the different shapes and patterns that they make in the sky.  
Many people will wear clothing that is red, white, and blue on the Fourth of July in honor of the colors that are on the American flag.  Sometimes people make foods, especially desserts, that are also red, white, and blue.

I think that it is also important that we also take time to appreciate the brave men and women who have fought and are fighting to protect our independence and our freedoms.


1. opinion: a person's own thoughts about an idea or item for example, a favorite color, or food
2. independent: does not need help or guidance 
3. Declaration of Independence: document signed in 1776 that said that Great Britain was no longer the boss
4. Fireworks: bright display of colors from controlled explosions
5. Protect: to keep safe

Vocabulary Practice

Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition.

1. protect                                                      a. a person's own thoughts about an idea or item
2. fireworks                                                  b. does not need help or guidance
3. Declaration of Independence                   c. document signed in 1776 that said Great Britain was no                                                                          longer the boss   
4. independent                                             d. bright display of colors from controlled explosions
5. opinion                                                     e. to keep safe

Parts of Speech
Fact and Opinion

You've already learned that an opinion is a personal thought.  For example, your favorite color might be blue, but my favorite color is green. A fact is something that is true and can be proven.  For example, this blog discusses the Declaration of Independence.  It is a fact and can be proven by historical documents that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.

1 comment:

  1. Nice entry on the 4th! I like the grammar point on fact and opinion, but I am not sure why it has the heading "Parts of Speech." What would you assign your students to do about fact an opinion, e.g. write a statement of fact and a statement of opinion?
