Monday, November 7, 2016


After Winter, comes Spring.  When the weather begins to change in March, it can often be crazy.  One day it will be warm, the next day it will be snowing, and a day later it can be cold and rainy.  Many people say, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." This saying doesn't mean that March is actually a lion; it just means that the start of the month is fierce like a lion.  By the end of the month, the weather is usually more calm, like a lamb.

I love the Spring because the trees and flowers begin to grow back and many animals come out of hiding.  I also enjoy the Spring because the temperature warms up and it's lacrosse season!  This means I get to spend a couple of hours outside each afternoon coaching. 

My birthday is also in the beginning of April which is always fun to celebrate with friends and family.  

It sometimes rains a lot as the seasons change; usually April is a rainy month.  As we get further into Spring it begins getting warmer.  You need to make sure you check the weather forecast to see what clothes would be appropriate for that day and if you need to bring an umbrella or rain coat.

lion: animal that belongs to the big cat family
lamb: young sheep
fierce: intense
calm: relaxed
Vocabulary Review
Unscramble the letters to create a vocabulary word.
malb: ____________
rceeif: ___________
clma: ___________
noil: ____________

Parts of Speech: Simile
A simile is a comparison of objects that are not alike that uses like or as.  For example, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."  March is being compared to lion; March is a month and a lion is an animal.  A month and an animal are not alike but can be compared to help a reader visualize or make a connection.


  1. I love the visuals, something i should have incorporated more into my own blog. Not only does it help students comprehension, but also makes the story more enjoyable!

  2. I love the visuals! This post is so fun to read because you have an image for each reason why you love the spring. Great topic to write about as well!

  3. I really like the explanation of simile and the examples from the text. Also, you included the saying about April showers, which you would have to teach students.
