Friday, October 14, 2016

All About Fall

This year, Fall (also called Autumn) began on September 22.  Most people think of Fall beginning earlier in September when students begin going back to school.

Although the first day of Fall signifies the change of seasons, you will most likely not notice much change in the weather until the first few weeks of October. (I'm sure you've noticed the weather getting a little bit cooler.)
One of the most obvious changes that comes with Fall is the change of the color of the leaves on trees.  In New York, the leaves will begin changing from green to different shades of yellow, red, orange, and brown.
Leaves in the Summer
Leaves in the Fall

What to Wear

When the seasons change, we must change what we wear too!  We choose to wear different pieces of clothing in order to keep ourselves comfortable with the weather.

People usually begin wearing sweatshirts, sweatpants, long pants, long sleeve shirts, and thin scarves.  You may also start seeing people wearing boots and sneakers.  The temperature may be different every day so it is always a good idea to check the forecast before selecting what to wear.

Long pants (jeans)


 What to Do

There are many activities to do during the Fall as well!  Most of them are also done outdoors because it typically isn't too hot or too cold.  

New York has many parks where people can go to ride bikes, play games, or even hike.  Hiking is a lot of fun because you get to exercise but also get to see the beautiful leaves.

Bear Mountain is a great place to hike!
Sports in New York, and across the United States are often played in different seasons.  One of the most popular sports that begin in the Fall is football!  My favorite team is the New York Giants. 
New York Giants Logo
Another popular sport that is played during the Fall in middle school and high school is soccer.  In other parts of the world, soccer is called "futbol".  Many teams will play all year, but the main season is traditionally Fall.
Soccer ball
People also enjoy going apple picking or pumpkin picking!  The eastern part of Long Island has many large farms where people spend the day choosing pumpkins from the vine and apples from trees.  This is the time when the apples and pumpkins are ripe and ready to harvest.


hike: walk for a long distance, especially across country or in the woods.
football: a team game played in North America with an oval ball on a field 
pumpkin: a large rounded orange-yellow fruit with a thick rind, edible flesh, and many seeds.

Welcome to New York!

One of the most wonderful things about living in New York is getting to experience the change of seasons. New York is in the Northeast Region of the United States.  Not all regions of the United States, or other parts of the world get to have this same experience.

Map of the United States of America, New York is highlighted red
We are able to welcome the gorgeous color change of the leaves on the trees during the Fall and we are also able to build snowmen and drink hot chocolate in the Winter.  After a few months of frigid temperatures, we then get to watch as the flowers begin to bloom again and the trees sprout their new leaves during the Spring months.  Then, we welcome the Summer months when we are out of school and able to go to the beach.  

Since I've started this blog in the beginning of October, let's talk about Fall first.  

The Fall season may also be called Autumn. We usually experience Fall between the end of September, October, and November; so it is about 3 months long.  

Next, we enter Winter.  Winter typically lasts through December, January, and February.

Then, we enter Spring.  In New York, we enter Spring during March; and it continues through the months of April and May.

After Spring comes Summer.  Summer lasts through June, July, and August.

Each year, the seasons will begin or end on different days but they are typically about 3 months long.

Some people may have a favorite season. Maybe they prefer, or like, one type of weather or maybe they prefer the activities that we get to enjoy in one season.

I personally love all of the seasons!  I enjoy the differences in weather, I like doing different activities during each season.  

Keep coming back to read about the experiences we can have during each season!

Gorgeous: very pretty, nice to look at

Snowmen:  more than one snowman.  A snowman is usually 3 big round balls of snow stacked on top of each other. 

Hot chocolate: warm drink made of melted chocolate or cocoa powder 

Frigid: very cold in temperature

Sprout: to begin to grow

Vocabulary Review
Circle the vocabulary words.
Parts of Speech: Nouns
  • Nouns are words that identify a person, place, animal, thing, or idea.  
  • Some examples from this blog of nouns are:
    • New York
    • seasons
    • hot chocolate
    • Spring
    • Winter
    • Summer
    • love
  • If you want to practice, see how many nouns you can find in one or two sections!